IEC TR 63411:2025 delves into the complexities associated with connecting offshore wind farms to the electrical grid using VSC-HVDC technology, highlighting key technical challenges and emerging advancements. The document explores potential solutions, which encompass innovative technologies, methodologies, and practices aimed at enhancing the flexibility and efficiency of power systems. The primary objective of this document is to offer a comprehensive review of the challenges, potential resolutions, and cutting-edge technologies for the grid integration of large-scale offshore wind farms through VSC-HVDC. It is anticipated that this document will also serve as a guide for future standardization efforts on related matters. The intention of this document is not to hinder the further advancement of state-of-the-art technologies within this field. This technical report is not intended to be an all-encompassing document that defines the scope of work or similar terms between a buyer and a seller for any contractual delivery of a HVDC project or equipment. Instead, it is envisioned to be utilized for preliminary studies and to inform the specification and delivery of specific HVDC projects, as appropriate.