IEC 61526:2024 is applicable to personal dosemeters that possess the following features:
a) They are worn on the torso, near the eye, or on the limbs.
b) They are capable of measuring personal dose equivalents, specifically Hp(10), Hp(3), and Hp(0.07), resulting from external X and gamma, neutron (excluding Hp(3)), and beta radiation sources, and may also measure the corresponding personal dose equivalent rates for these radiations for alarm purposes.
c) They feature a digital display, which may or may not be integrated into the device.
d) They are equipped with alarm functions for personal dose equivalents or personal dose equivalent rates, with the exception of hybrid dosemeters, which require an alarm function for personal dose equivalents to be incorporated into the associated readout system.
IEC 61526:2024 outlines requirements for the dosemeter itself and, if provided, for its accompanying readout system.
It specifies general characteristics, general testing procedures, radiation characteristics, as well as electrical, mechanical, safety, and environmental characteristics for the dosemeters described.
This edition incorporates the following notable technical updates compared to the previous version:
a) A revision of the document title;
b) The addition of the measurement quantity for the dose in the eye lens, Hp(3);
c) The addition of the measurement quantity for the dose in the skin and limbs, Hp(0.07);
d) The inclusion of a new category of dosemeters, “hybrid dosemeters,” which fall between active and passive devices;
e) The inclusion of software requirements;
f) The alignment of linearity requirements with IEC 62387;
g) The revision of neutron energy response requirements.