IEC 61162-460:2024 CMV pdf download - Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Part 460: Multiple talkers and multiple listeners - Ethernet interconnection - Safety and security

IEC 61162-460:2024 CMV pdf download – Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems – Digital interfaces – Part 460: Multiple talkers and multiple listeners – Ethernet interconnection – Safety and security

IEC 61162-460:2024 CMV includes both the official standard and a commented version. The commented version allows for a quick and straightforward comparison of all changes between IEC 61162-460:2024 edition 3.0 and the previous IEC 61162-460:2018+AMD1:2020 CSV edition 2.1. Additionally, insights from experts in IEC TC 80 are provided to explain the rationale behind the most significant changes or to clarify any parts of the content.

IEC 61162-460:2024 serves as an extension to IEC 61162-450, addressing situations where higher safety and security standards are required, such as increased exposure to external threats or the need to enhance network integrity. This document outlines the requirements and testing methods for equipment intended for use in an IEC 61162-460 compliant network, as well as specifications for the network itself and for interconnections with other networks. It also includes requirements for establishing a redundant IEC 61162-460 compliant network. Importantly, this document does not introduce any new application-level protocol requirements beyond those specified in IEC 61162-450.

The contents of the corrigendum issued in July 2024 have been incorporated into this version.

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