IEC 60352-2:2024 is applicable to solderless crimped connections made with:
- appropriately designed uninsulated or pre-insulated crimp barrels as components of crimp contacts, terminal ends, or splices, and
- stranded wires of 0.05 mm² to 10 mm² cross-section or
- solid wires of 0.25 mm to 3.6 mm diameter;
for use in electrical and electronic equipment.
Information on the materials and data from industrial experience is included alongside the test procedures to ensure electrical stability under specified environmental conditions.
This section of IEC 60352 does not apply to crimping of coaxial cables.
This part of IEC 60352 determines the suitability of solderless crimped connections described above under specified mechanical, electrical, and atmospheric conditions, providing a method for comparing test results when the tools used to make the connections are of different designs or manufacture.